Tuesday, December 21, 2010


As Churchy, Walt Kelly’s turtle used to say, more or less: when you’ve reached the end it’s over.

I’m writing this months after our return home, putting paid to our four-month-long odyssey. Allowing my autistic bent to take over, the trip has set some records for us: four months on the road, three continents, ten countries, nineteen national border crossings, 2,800 photographs and, with this posting, over 30,000 words on the blog.

This will effectively close the blog, although I’ll leave it up for a spell. For those who patiently suffered through my meanderings with the unrequited hope for some nugget of interest, thanks. Fortunately, most of my readers are family, leaving them with no recourse to pity or apology for their staying the course. Family is what family does.

DLS 21 December 2010